...Since my last post. I'm more busy now after graduating than I was in school. I have my job and I'm taking one more class with CofC; Sailing. I always wanted to take the class and seriously if you go to CofC take sailing. It's the best class I've taken. So with work and sailing combined, It's been difficult to keep up with my blog.
But I'm back.
Unfortunately the surf hasn't been back, isn't here, or doesn't look like its coming here anytime soon. I look at the forecast/cam everyday and it is the same ankle high mushness. Awful. Maybe we will get something around the knee to thigh range sometime in the next couple of days. Once sailing is over with I'll have a lot more time to post cool things. Sailing ends at the end of May.
Check this out.
You guys know how I am. When I don't post something for a while I feel like I have something to make up to all you readers so theres going to be a bunch of random things in this post. A couple of days ago I was sitting here in my house eating some strawberries. The all too familiar sound of fire trucks in the distance were on their way, ready to terrorize me and my strawberries with their blaring sirens. The firehouse is up the street from me and I live right at a main intersection downtown so the horns and sirens start blaring right at my house.
Usually it's only a couple of trucks going to a routine fender bender but they kept coming and coming down the street. Way more than usual. I grabbed my bike and followed one of the trucks not more than a block and a half away to this.....
At first glance something looks strange. Usually fires start inside of the house, not outside like this one and especially not on the ground near the foundation. After talking with some bystanders we came to the conclusion that it must be a gasline that broke and caught fire. Sure enough SCE&G pulled up minutes later to shut off the line.
Here are some more photos.
All the firemen could do was spray water on the house until all the gas burned off in the pipe.
The gasline stayed burning for about two hours. All of Spring Street downtown was blocked off for almost the whole afternoon while SCE&G dug a hole to stop the flow of gas.
I have a bunch of days off next week so the surf better show up.
Mike C.